Use this form to open a problem ticket. Appropriate problems include
not being able to log on, difficulties transferring money, and bug reports.
Do not use this form to complain about other users. Instead, please
talk to any ranking members online.
Including complete details is
Unless you tell us precisely what you are trying to do (who you are
sending money to, what you are trying to change your login name to,
etc.) and what you see on the screen (error messages, a description
of the screen, and even a copy of the URL could help) we will not be
able to help you. We are not psychic. Assume we have no idea what is
the matter.
Privacy note: Submitting this form sends us some
information about your computer that we use to help track the cause
of your problem. If you are sending this report from a computer
other than the one having a problem, please clearly state
that in the problem's description.
Notice: You may only submit one trouble ticket every 12
hours. Some people were abusing the system. If you need to add more
information to an existing ticket, you can append to that one.
This will only make matters worse! Instead, WAIT FOR YOUR EMAIL MESSAGE
that explains why you were banned. Read this email message BEFORE
using this ticket system to complain. Multiple complaints about a ban will
INCREASE the length of the ban! Allow at least 12 hours for this email
to arrive. You have been WARNED.
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